Library Management System

The project was created by using various tools like python, IDLE, and MS Word. In the program, the stock of books is displayed to the user so that they can borrow their required books if it is available. The number of books borrowed by a customer gets reduced from the stock and a bill is generated for the customer which contains all the details of the transaction (borrowing). Likewise, when a customer returns the books, another bill is generated for the customer which contains all the details of the transaction (return).

The lending period of books is 10 days. If the customer returns the books after the lending period is over (i.e.,10 days), they have to pay a fine of $0.25 for each passing day after the lending period. This information is also recorded in the bill (text file). The stock is increased for the books which have been returned. A text file with unique filename is generated for all the transactions carried out through the program.